Ruby Louise Rose

Transgender woman artist living and working in Turku, Finland

Work in Progress
Selected Works
Museum of Unrealised Proposals
trans- prefix (CHANGE)

ruby at rubylouiserose dot com

Work in Progress

Trans and Queer Joy as an Act of Resistance, 2024-

A trans woman in a denim dress poses in front of a queer woman sitting on the floor

A trans woman in a denim dress sits on the floor in front of a queer woman

A trans woman in a denim dress crouches on the floor with a microphone in her hand

Monospaced black type on a white background

As a trans woman sound artist, when I think about joy as an act of resistance, I think about the noise trans and queer people make when we move through the world, unconcerned by the forces that would render us extinct. This noise—what I like to think of as queer noise—is made not just through living, but through thriving, and is an affirmation of our humanity in a world that constantly seeks to demonise and dehumanise us. I began my transition in order to be happy—to finally be free from the unimaginable weight of not feeling like myself—and in doing so I found joy in the smallest of morning rituals: the pull of mascara across eyelash, the scratch of pencil on eyebrow, the smack of lip after applying lipstick, the rustle of dress pulled over the head… I want to take these little noises, these slices of ordinary, day-to-day experience, and frame them, intensify them, make them swell into a jubilant symphony of defiance. For trans and queer people, the noises of living are the noises of celebration: we are everywhere and we will be heard!

Ruby Louise Rose (dance/sound)
Nadja Pärssinen (dance/sound)
Hannu Karjalainen (documentation)

Video documentation showing on Titanik's artelaiset wall throughout July.

for Bob, 2024-

Monospaced black type on a white background

Concrete and sound poetry.